Legends Rising > County Laws > Disciplinary


This passage outlines the expectations and procedures regarding disciplinary actions for employees of the Department of Justice (DOJ), particularly focusing on physicians. While all DOJ employees are expected to act with professionalism, compassion, and respect for life, if a concern arises regarding a physician's behavior or protocol adherence, a formal complaint may be filed.

In such cases, the DOJ High Command, often referred to as HC conducts an investigation into the matter. If it is confirmed that the physician has violated medical rules or protocols, they will be subject to disciplinary action, as outlined in a disciplinary matrix.

Employees' official records are maintained, and any concerns or disciplinary actions are documented therein. This documentation helps establish patterns of behavior and can be utilized to address and correct any issues. High Command has the discretion to use the disciplinary matrix or provide informal verbal warnings, depending on the situation.

Verbal warnings should be seen as opportunities for employees to correct their behavior and improve performance. Additionally, employees are encouraged to seek guidance from mentors, and trainers, or follow the chain of command for any medical disciplinary questions.

Overall, this approach aims to foster trust within the organization while ensuring that performance and conduct issues are addressed promptly and effectively, with a focus on improvement and correction rather than punishment.

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